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semper fi

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semper fi - lego de minecraft

semper fi

“Semper Fi”, a Latin abbreviation for “Semper Fidelis”, which translates to “Always Faithful”, is a motto that defines the unwavering loyalty and dedication of the United States Marine Corps. This powerful phrase embodies their mission to protect and defend the nation, wherever and whenever they are called upon. For over 245 years, the Marine Corps has stood at the forefront of American military strength, exemplifying courage, discipline, and honor. The Marine creed emphasizes the importance of serving with a sense of duty, honor, and commitment, to always remain faithful to the Corps and to each other. Despite the challenges and dangers they face, Marines remain steadfast in their commitment to protecting their fellow citizens and upholding the values of freedom and democracy. They have demonstrated their courage and sacrifice time and time again, from the mountains of Afghanistan to the deserts of Iraq, always putting their lives on the line to keep America safe and secure. So, to all the Marines out there, we say “Semper Fi” and thank you for your service and sacrifice. You truly embody the best of what our nation stands for and we are forever grateful for your inspiring example of unwavering loyalty and dedication. Semper Fi!branco prime
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